Author Archives: oantuna
My Favorited Part Of Science
My favorite subject is astronomy because I think looking at the stars is interesting and there pretty.The galaxy and the sky is amazing how huge it is.One thing that I would like to do some day is get a big telescope and at nithg go and look at the stars.
Reading Project
MY First Day
I was at the bus stop for about 1 hour until the bus came because I didn’t know what time it would come. I got on the bus and I felt like I was a stranger because I didn’t know anybody on the bus. I finally got there and as I entered the building, I thought what would happen that day. It may be the worst day of my life or it may be the best day of my life. I was a little nervous. I thought you may have a bad day but you can always have a better one the next day.
I felt different than others because I didn’t know as much English than the other people, and It was my first day at White Oak School. I was in the 5th grade. I knew all my classes will be in English and I would have a little trouble with the English classes. I finally got inside and I heard someone yell good morning. I replied back good morning with a nervous voice. I didn’t know what to do next so I just looked around the hallway and I slowly walked around. Then I saw a lot of people in this big room, I think it was the gym. I walked in there and sat down where the last row was at. I didn’t talk to anybody or read a book because I didn’t know you were supposed to bring a book to read.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! The bell rang. Then the teachers came and I knew who was my teacher because my dad and I came to the school a couple of days ago. We got lost so we were lost that day. Until we asked, the teacher was Mrs.Smith. So I got in the row with the other people in my home room. Then we went up the stairs all the way to the corner were Mrs.Smith’s room was at. Then a voice came from the top of the ceiling, it was the intercom. The did the anouncements and we sang the pledge of allegence to both of the flags. Riiiiiiiiiiiiing!The bell rang again.I knew its time to change periods.I look in my schedule first period Mrs.McFall’s Social Studies class. I couldn’t find find her class so I asked Mrs.Smith. She said it was right beside hers. I thought in my head “I am so stupid.” She told us to get out a notebook and to write the abc on it and write about each letter in history. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! next period it was Mr.McBride everybody said he was the crazy teacher. I didn’t know what the people really meant if was really crazy or if he was just real funny. We enter his classroom and poooooooow! He had droped a huge metal peice on the ground, all we did in his class was that he showed us all his cool things in his room. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIING! The bell rang again. It’s reading with Mrs.Owens. All we did in her class was that we played a game to know each other better. Riiiiinnnnggg! Next is Mrs.Ganong’s English class, we made a piece of paper and decorate and it said your name on it. Riiiiinnngggg! Next was Mrs.Smith’s class. She was the math teacher and all we did is played a game in teams with circles and we learned about Diameter. Riiiiiiiiiinngg!Next I went to Ms.johnson it was math class too we learned about place value.
It wasn’t that bad after all I didn’t have that much trouble with the English
Don’t worry
I wrote a poem to encourage you.The world is a dark hole so don’t worry because is you didn’t create a that dark hole.
I played minecraft for about 2 times because I don’t like the demo.I can get the full version because is money.My plans is to build a real good house with a lot of animals and a Pool.I want to build a church.
The Favorite Sense in the World
Which of your senses will you not want to lose?If it was mine I won’t want to lose my touch because I do mainly everything with it.This sense helps me a lot because without it I wouldn’t be able to play in the band of the school or fell the fuzzy fur of my dog.I love this sense because it makes my life easier.
Bad Choices
When my dad used to be alcoholic is life was no good.It wasn’t has good has now.There where several bad things he used to due.All because bad choices. My hero is my dad.He went through a lot of hard things in his childhood.He was bully a lot by older kids in school.He was very poor in the sixth grade he got his first pair of shoes.My dad is my hero because of all the things he went through in is life and still didn’t care of what was happening and cape doing all he could to make is childhood better. When my dad was a teenager he was an alcoholic.He work just for alcohol.His life was thrash.He didn’t have anything to eat because he used all his money in alcohol.My dad strain up is life when he was an adult.He change his life because of god.Without God he would be in the streets drinking alcohol or in jail. My dad is my leader because he’s not an alcoholic no more.I want to be like I’m when I grow not an alcoholic .He is a leader to me because he whit drinking for a better life.He now has a job and doesn’t drink anymore.That’s why he is my leader. My life and my family will be better and better because of my hero.People have problems in life but you can always solve them.
Green Grass all Around
green grass all around
the fresh air in my face swoosh
the feel on my hands of soft leaves
all I hear the noises of the wild life
some times loud some times quite
green grass grassy gross grow tall grass
my feelings outside in nature are like if i was an animal
living out there